The BEST ball in the world!
Fun for ALL ages!
IRGO Ball is the perfect ball for toddlers, kids, teens, adults, seniors, and people with disabilites.
- Safe and soft
- Easy to learn
- Develops physcial coordination
Be Happy!
The IRGO Ball is fun, and fun brings happiness and smiles!
Fun Contests!
See who can throw IRGO Ball the furthest, or who can throw it through distant a hula-hoop!
Health & Fitness
Throwing, catching, looking, moving.. IRGO Ball keeps your body moving and your coordination in balance!
No = No!
Do not use IRGO Ball on concrete, paving stones, gravel roads, or any rough surfaces. Grass and sand only!
IRGO Ball Shop
IRGO Ball Video Gallery
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To be honest, when I first opened the IRGO Ball, I thought it was a toy ball for little kids. Me and my friends started playing around with it, and within an hour, at least 6 people asked where we got it. We played with IRGO Ball for the entire day and it didn't get boring. Its definitely a cool ball and Ive never seen anything like it..
Ben Hoogenkamp, Sassenheim